
34 High St, Pittsburgh, PA 15223, Pittsburgh, PA 15223

EtnaShaler SD School DistrictAllegheny County
3 Beds1 Baths
*SOLD - ATTN INVESTORS: Etna - Rental/Flip - $92,000
Attention Cash Investors! Sitting in a hot pocket of Etna & surrounded by several new renovations, this property has tons of potential. Benefits include; Shaler School District, hardwood floors throughout, updated windows, updated roof & fully functional mechanicals. The property has three bedrooms with a large master & finished attic (potential 4th bedroom). Home owner / tenant will enjoy their quiet & private backyard. Contact Brad today at 412-853-3105 or brad@urbanpgh.com to schedule a showing! DO NOT show up to any of our available properties unannounced. All tours must be coordinated beforehand. Thank you for understanding. View all our available off-market deals at pittsburghwholesaledepot.com
Listed ByPittsburgh Wholesale Depot(412) 853-3105


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Listed ByPittsburgh Wholesale Depot(412) 853-3105

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