
2606 Kansas St, McKeesport, PA 15132, McKeesport

3 Beds1 Baths
ATTN CASH INVESTORS: McKeesport - $24,500
Located in a nicer section of McKeesport on a private street, this three-story property has a lot of charm! Some major benefits include the two car detached garage in rear with a private flat backyard, great for kids or pets. Once entering you’ll be treated by traditional colonial style rooms with 12 foot ceilings! The property is considered by the county as a two bedroom however the third floor is fully finished with duct work leading up to it. The previous owners used this as a third bedroom. Major improvements include: brand new H2O tank, updated electrical and a solid roof. Dont miss out on this cash cow with extremely low taxes and some minor cosmetic updates for a quick turnaround!
Listed ByPittsburgh Wholesale Depot(412) 853-3105


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Listed ByPittsburgh Wholesale Depot(412) 853-3105

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