
2174 Robin Hood Dr, Irwin, PA 15642, Irwin, PA 15642

North HuntingdonNorwin School DistrictWestmoreland County
3 Beds2 Baths
*SOLD Attention Cash Investors! - Flip/Rental
Attention Cash Investors! Nestled in a cute pocket of suburbia, this ranch home sits in the top rated Norwin School District. Perfect starter home with a great yard and scenic views. The next homeowner will enjoy the large detached garage and spacious deck for family gatherings and cookouts. Additional benefits include fully finished game room with its own private bathroom (this living space is not included in the square footage). Brand new furnace, H20 tank, and stainless steel appliances are included! Contact Brad today at 412-853-3105 or brad@urbanpgh.com to schedule a showing! DO NOT show up to any of our available properties unannounced. All tours MUST be coordinated beforehand. Thank you for understanding.
Listed ByPittsburgh Wholesale Depot(412) 853-3105


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Listed ByPittsburgh Wholesale Depot(412) 853-3105

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